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About the Riders

I have loved adventure for as long as I can remember and probably longer.

From a young age I realised that on a bike I could travel further and see more than ever before. Since then I have cycled in triathlons and duathlons, organised rides (such as round Mt Taranaki) as well as my own adventures around the Auckland area and from Wellington to Napier last summer. I also love tramping, kyaking and sailing for similar reasons. When you undertake a physical journey such as this you are challenged mentally and emotionally as well. You learn to appreciate this beautiful land and the healthy conditions we enjoy here. Along the way we hope that our presence will generate more awareness for this crippling disease while giving us the chance to reflect on and appreciate it through the intense effort and time required.

Other interests of mine are mathematics, music, theatre and language. I am in two plays currently, I play the guitar and sing in a celtic folk band. I am studying mathematics and education at Victoria University of Wellington and have taken papers in German, Mandarin and Maori throughout the three years I have been studying. Next year I plan to complete my teaching diploma to fulfill my long-held dream of becoming a teacher. Education is my other passion and I feel it goes very harmoniously with my love of adventure.


Introduced to my first bike at 4 years old, I could never stop cycling again.

In these last 20 years I cycled on a touring bike from Heidelberg to Lake Constance, one year later from Lake Constance to Lake Garda in Italy. Since this trip I switched onto a road bike and have done almost every Tour de France climb in the Alps. Cycling is a beautiful way to disover a country. It gives you the time to see, smell and feel the nature surrounding you. Give it a try!

Besides cycling I study law at Victoria University in Wellington as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar. My sponsoring Rotary Club is RC Passau, my hosting Rotary Club is RC Pencarrow. I am also a member of the Rotaract Club of Passau.

During my year at VUW I am taking six different law papers to get a good overview of New Zealand's legal system. After returning to Germany at the end of January 2011 I have about one more year to go in Passau to finish my law degree. After graduation, I would like to work in the area of Private International Law. I am studying Mandarin as well and hope to combine it with my future work.

I am a keen outdoor fan (hiking, climbing, skiing, cycling), one of the reasons, for which I came to New Zealand. So far, I have walked the Queen Charlotte Track, a great experience and good test of whether I can get on with my flatmate Ollie in a small tent!

I feel prepared for the next ride from Cape Reinga to Bluff but I am still training with Ollie three times a week in the gym.

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