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Journey of Hope  Page 3: Wellington on Day 28 to Franz Josef on Day 39

These pages are archived from the original home pages.

Page entries run from the bottom.

Other Journey of Hope Pages:

Cape Reinga on Day 1 to Auckland on Day 8.
Coromandel on Day 9 to Eastbourne on Day 27.
This page: Wellington on Day 28 to Franz Josef on Day 39.
Lake Paringa on Day 40 to Bluff on Day 54.


Day  39

1 January 2011

Rest Day at Franz Josef

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)


Changes to Cycling Schedule

2 January 2011

Oliver Macindoe's ongoing knee problems have resulted in a slight but important change of plans for the Journey of Hope.

Instead of cycling to Milford Sound as was originally intended the plan now is to that Oliver and Xaver will be driven to Lake Te Anau and back by Lyndon Moffit from Te Anau club.

This allows Oliver and Xaver to reduce their daily mileages and to allow a combination of rest, anti-inflammatories and pain killers to do their work.

So, the original plan for several 100 km days is out the window and replaced by shorter days on the bike.  Check out the amended schedule


Day  38

31 December 2010

Ross to Frans Josef

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)



Day  37

30 December 2010

Greymouth to Ross

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)





Message from DG Howard Tong

31 December 2010

DG Howard Tong has been a fanmtastic supporter of the Journey of Hope and has written about the adventure on his blogsite

Goal setters on final leg

Isn't it amazing how setting a goal makes things happen?  Our two intrepid riders have done just that.  When you read this message, Xaver and Ollie will be on the last leg of their amazing 'Journey of Hope'.  The vision, the drive, the passion and energy are admirable.  But then, without the backing and support of you all, their journey would not have been so rewarding.

It's been amazing how Clubs, Rotarians and non-Rotarians have rallied around our riders as they have passed through the various townships.  Hospitality has been shown and the generosity of the giving has resulted currently in more that $30,000 towards the Polio.  In 2011 we (i.e. Rotarians from around the world) will meet our international challenge to raise $200Million to match the $355Million donated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  

It is good to see the involvement in the bike ride by local politicians and Mayors who have also hopped on their own bike to support Xaver and Ollie.

So in summary a goal was set and we now have the result.  The challenge for us at the start of 2011 is to set our own audacious, hairy and scary goals to ensure we also achieve great things as we work to build communities and bridge continents.  

Have a great year - sharpen your pencils and start setting those goals.

Howard Tong


Journey of Hope in deepest Westland

31 December 2010

The Journey of Hope is in the depths of the West Coast where the people are scarce and thre sandflies are not.

The internet is not available and therefore we will not hear from Xaver and Ollie until they reach Frans Josef later today.

From all of us at Team Journey of Hope we wish you a fantastic new year and may you achieve everything you set out to do.


Journey of Hope Team




Day  36

29 December 2010

Westport to Greymouth

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)



Day  35

28 December 2010

Rest Day in Westport

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)



Day  34

27 December 2010

Owen's River to Westport

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)



Day  33

26 December 2010

Nelson to Owen's River

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)



Day  32

25 December 2010

Christmas Day - Another Rest Day in Nelson

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)



RC Westport hospitality and a challenge

24 December 2010

On 22 December 2010 20:53, <> wrote:

Hi Xaver & Oliver
While in Westport your hosts are Robert & Sonia Hoetjes, your contact point is Hagadorn Funeral Services, on the corner of Wakefield and Derby Streets, the phone number is 03 789 7075. On your extra day in Westport this is also the second day of the Westport Races and we hope to have you both make a circuit of the race track on your bikes.
Look forward to meeting you both just give Robert and Sonia a ring when you arrive and they will come in and pick you up.
Yours in Rotary
Charles Bruning

on 24 December Ollie replied

Thank you Mr Bruning,

We would love to take part in the races and look forward to our time in Westport.

Merry Christmas,

Ollie and Xaver


Day 31

24 December 2010

Christmas Eve - Rest Day in Nelson

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)

Christmas wishes from RC Taradale

24 December 2010

Hi Fellows, 

How are your backsides - they should be becoming adjusted now even if they are a little tender you should be saying to yourselves - every day is one day less to cycle.

The Cycling members of our Club really appreciated being involved with you from Tutira to Hastings along with our Club Members who enjoyed your visit to our Club.

I am pleased to advise that we have raised $500 which we will credit through the Polio Plus system in early January.

All the best for the rest of your Cycling efforts and we look forward to receiving the final result of your efforts later in January.

Have a great Christmas Day and all the very best for 2011
Please feel free to contact me if you ever return to Napier
Great to meet you fellows.
Best Regards
Selwyn Dyet
President Taradale Rotary Club.

Day 30

23 December 2010

Pelorus Bridge to Nelson

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)



Day 29

22 December 2010

Wellington to Pelorus Bridge

See Daily Diary (Day 29 to Day 42)


And Now Watch the Movie

21 December 2010

Keen Rotarian and cyclist, Jim Greenhough, narrates a little movie made about the Journey of Hope as it arrived in Wellington accompanied by the Mayor of Wellington, Celia Wade-Brown, President of RC Wellington South, Francis Fanning,  and two members of Parliament, Trevor Mallard and Tim Macindoe - the only ones who were brave enough to venture out into the conditions.

Click on the video to see the story of the day's ride.








Day 28

21 December 2010

Eastbourne to Wellington

See Daily Diary (Day 23 to Day 28)


Journey of Hope  Page 3

Wellington on Day 28 to Franz Josef on Day 39

Other Journey of Hope Pages:

Cape Reinga on Day 1 to Auckland on Day 8.
Coromandel on Day 9 to Eastbourne on Day 27.
This page: Wellington on Day 28 to Franz Josef on Day 39.
Lake Paringa on Day 40 to Bluff on Day 54.
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